Friday, October 2, 2009


Lord Ramar’s Birth date:new Research

Mr.Pushkar Butnagahar is an Astrological Research Scholar.He tells, Lord Ramar’s Birth date is not Rama Navami.He did born before a few months from Rama Navami.

Because,Valmiki Ramayan’s slogams of Lord Rama’s Birth and Planet Levels are Expressing is another date.At that date is January 10,5114 B.C.

Mr.Butnagahar wrote an article about this topic at ‘Organiser’ Magazine.This is an approved magazine for RSS.(Rashteriya Swayam Sewagh Sangh)

So,Rama Navami is not Birth date of Lord Ramar’s Birthdate.
Source:DINAMALAR,National Tamil Newspaper from India,page 7, date 30.9.2009.